We are VERY proud of the Quality of our dogs and
that is well demonstrated by Joval's
Success in the show (conformation) ring. Over the years we have
bred more than 75 Champions
in the U.S. as well as numerous other countries.

Krissi -
CH Joval
Angel's Kiss - in the Group Ring at Crufts
after winning Best of Breed and making the cut from the Terrier

Joval Dogs are consistent winners at All Major
Airedale Terrier Specialty shows and our dogs
have been placed in the Top 10 in the USA for the past 10 years.
Additionally, we have have bred and exported the
#1 Airedale in England 2005
#1 Airedale in Israel 2006
#1 Bitch in Argentina 2005 & 2006
#1 Airedale and #1 Terrier in Mexico 2006 & 2007.
One last "International"
Brag...Joval has Bred 2 World Champions...
BIS, Int. CH Joval Starlight Rendezvous - "Ronnie" - World Dog Show Mexico City 2006
BIS, Int., Su, Ca, Am GCH Joval
Angel's Kiss - "Krissi" - World Dog Show Stockholm 2008
as well as JOVAL Kennels
Best in Show in the
Breeder Competition at the World Terrier Show Stockholm 2008
Best Airedale Breeder at the World Dog Show Stockholm 2008
The Joval
Roll of Honor
lists a chronological listing of the
Titles, National Rankings
and significant wins earned over the years