This is one GREAT pup! He is so well adjusted and well
behaved. He is sweet to snuggle and so fun to play with. We really
couldn't be happier! Thank you so much!

She couldn't be more perfect! I have never loved anything more in my
life - in the first two short days she has brought us such joy....
Hi Valeria - we just came back from a wonderful trip up to Canada
and here are some great pictures of Lucy. She is the love of my life!
Rachel M. Self

Mr. Orange (Milton) is doing great. He is a good boy. He loves
the kids, he is just perfect for our family...

...Abby is home safe and sound. Unbelievably, she slept her entire first night
until 6:00 am Monday morning.... She is such a wonderful dog...
I have attached a few pictures for you to enjoy.
Thank you again for such a wonderful experience. You have been
most helpful and obviously raise quality Airedales.Chris, Pat, Alex and Abby

First of all THANK YOU!!!
He is doing Fantastic. He arrived no problem, they got him off the flight straight away & He was wide awake.
tail going a
mile a minute, licking my face all over. I am totally following the crate training/feeding and so far so great. He is fetching &
returning a ball, On leash out side by the end of yesterday I had him
stopping when I stop, then sitting, then walking when I walk again. He
is such a happy & healthy guy....

I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that little
Colby is doing great! I have attached some photos of him in his
holiday attire. He is a great puppy - completely house-trained and
quickly picking up new commands and tricks. We love him so much and
wanted to thank you again for our new best friend! I
hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a happy new
year. Best regards,
Josh & Lauren

Merry Christmas! Mindy is was definately the best gift of all. She
is a huge hit with my family. All my brothers and sisters agree she is
the best airedale we have ever had.

Sparky is doing great, going on three years old. Sparky is still the
hit of Argentina and is beautiful, as well as having a sweet
We are very happy with her and thank you for all the hard work you
have done to breed such great dogs! Chau,

I just want you to know,...you make the NICEST puppies in the
world!! The little boy is such a sweetheart!!......just like Wilma. I
love them both sooooooo much!! Thank you so much for the
beautiful puppies!! And, I will keep you posted.

I just wanted to take a minute to send a few pictures of Stella and
Annie. We've had a couple of play dates so far, and these pictures are
from one of those get-togethers. Stella likes to put her paws on my
beard so she can feel the whiskers. Unfortunately, I don't have a
picture of that yet, but I'm sure there will be quite a few more
chances to get one. ;)
We're really grateful to have two wonderful girls. It will be exciting
to watch them grow up!
Best regards,

Just an update on Simon. He is so wonderful! We took him to the
lake over the weekend and he loved it. Our son and daughter-in-law
were visiting with their two miniature schnauzers, and I wasn't sure
how they would all get along, but they were just fine. Simon adjusts
well to new situations. He is eating very well and has become very
playful over the past few days.
We are really enjoying Simon!

We made it home very late sat evening, and the puppy was GREAT! I
held her for a while, and then she slept, so we put her in her crate.
She never got sick once. We introduced her to Brian, and they are
great, except when she goes near his bowl or his toys - he growls at
her... and he is trying to get her toys out of her crate... She seems
to really love her crate, and his doing her business outside on
schedule when we take her out of the crate.
Thanks! Attached are some photos.

Hi Valeria,
Rosey is wonderful! We have been enjoying her so much -- she is
affectionate, smart and sweet. We'll keep in touch -- it must be hard
to part with these beautiful pups! Leslie

Penny is a wonderful dog. She loves my son and he loves her. She
seems to know exactly how wild she can be with him and has the uncanny
ability to make him laugh at the drop of a hat. I of course think she
is the smartest dog in the world and she's so handsome. She has been
an amazing addition to our family.
Thank you again! We just love her.

Good morning Valeria... I wanted to give you an update on Angel.
She is definitely the most wonderful dog and is really enjoying life
in California. Incredibly smart, intuitive, and playful. she has made
herself right at home. Her training is going very well and she is as
obedient as one could expect from a 6 month old Airedale. She goes for
walks daily with her friends and gets to go swimming in the streams
and ponds nearby. She is about 40 pounds now and full of energy but is
a very calm dog around our house. She does not chew or dig. All in
all, she is perfect. Thank you very much for
getting her to us and picking the right dog for us.

I just want you to know that we are totally in love with Andy. You
were right on when you said he was perfect for us. He is! He is such a
sweetheart. We just adopted a little girl from Guatemala. She will
turn one next week. She and Andy love each other. So, once she gets a
little bigger we hope you can help us with another puppy. Andy would
love to have a companion.
We will send you some new pictures so you can see how handsome he is!

I just wanted to give you an update that Hudson is doing well and is
an absolute joy of a puppy. His self-assurance and demeanor are
amazing. It was a pleasure meeting and speaking with you. Thank you
for your care and passion for these dogs.

I just wanted to let you know Rasteau (Mr. Denim) is doing fine.
The older dogs are accepting him. So far he seems to be the boss.
Rufina is confused because he tries to nurse her. Everyone gets along.
Of course, he is always watched when he is out of the kennel. We have
had no problems getting him to eat. He certainly enjoys the raw meat
patties, but he will eat kibble at other times. Potty training is
going ok. I took him to see the vet and everyone thought he was very
sweet. No one had ever seen an Airedale puppy before. We will keep you
updated on his progress.
I looked at your web page and saw your clinic. VERY NICE!

Sorry it has taken us so long to send pictures of Jack (Mr. Maroon).
He has been a wonderful and loving puppy. Jack gives lots of kisses
and always wants to lay by us. Rusty is getting used to her little
brother and now they are playing together more and more.
Soon we are moving to Tennessee, so he will be a well traveled
little man. We love him so much and he is such a great addition to our
family. Thank you for allowing us to adopt such a beautiful airedale!

Well, one thing is for sure: “Ruckus” is the wrong name. This boy
is just way too sweet. We need a much more fun name. He answers to
“Woof” so that’s what we call him, but we still need a real name, and
“Ruckus” is all wrong. I like “Trousers”
My daughter wants to name him “Fitzwilliam Woof” Dick still likes
I will let you know when we finally have the perfect name for his
Meanwhile, he is responding beautifully to “come” (but not at all to
“sit”). He was SO well-behaved today, and kept me company while I
worked. He is very relaxed – he napped in my office on his back with
all four feet in the air. And he sure loves to play soccer!
A happy happy boy.
Thank you again for everything. We love this baby

Jack is doing great! He is healthy, his temperament is the best I have
had in any of the dogs I have owned over the years. He gets along with
everybody. I foster French Bulldogs and he is great with all of them,
even the ones that can be a little temperamental. He spends a lot of
time at our river house with us and loves it. You can't keep him out
of the water. We will never be without an Airedale in our lives.

I just wanted to let you know how well our puppy Willa is doing.
Already, she is a beloved member of the family. She is so bright and
responsive. She is full of personality and energy, but calms down
easily with a bully stick or chew toy, and I'm so pleased at how well
she has adapted to her crate. She has a good appetite and, although
I'm sure we still have a long way to go, she has made great strides
with housebreaking.
I am attaching some pictures, but already they are out of date,
because she has grown so and her coat has become fuller--especially on
her legs. I will take some more soon and send them along!
We feel so lucky to have Willa! Thank you for entrusting her to us.

Today I pulled up at home from work and there was Finn - so happy I
finally arrived. When he came to the car to greet me I felt so lucky
to have him here. He loves everything I love hunting, hiking, fishing
- well except for swimming but we're working on that.
Now that he is getting out of the puppy stage he is becoming that
great companion I envisioned when I found you and your Airedales.
I just have to thank you for giving me such a great boy!

Just wanted to let you know Porsche is doing terrific. The car ride
home was uneventful – she basically slept most of the way in Andrew’s
arms. She has done her “business” outside a couple of times, including
number 2. We confined her by herself a little while and she was not
happy at all – she has some pretty healthy lungs! The next time I put
her in her playpen I included the t-shirts with the smells of her
mommy and siblings and it was like magic – she laid on them and went
to sleep. Thanks for that great tip!!!
She ate around 6 and we will feed her again around 9:30. She has a
very healthy appetite and has been playing and having a good time. The
dog walker came by to meet her and fell in love. Porsche was very
charming with her
We will keep you posted. Let Mindy know that her baby is in good
hands. Gale

Well it’s official, we are all in love! I think we’ve settled on a
name…Penny (considering it was a penny that decided her fate). I hope
Miss Yellow was taken by the family coming right after us.
Well she is fitting in perfectly! Jack is really amazed by her. She is
having fun trying to push the cats around, but they have other ideas.
Housebreaking is going really well, I just have to take her out a 1000
times a day and she’s perfect. I tell her “hurry up” and she does her
business almost instantly, partly because she is cold and wants to
come back in to play. I of course think she is very smart! I can tell
she lived with boys for a while because she loves to play fetch! It is
just the cutest thing to see.
I want to thank you and John for the opportunity to have such a
wonderful addition to our family. She is really lovely! I’ve attached
a picture of her with Jack, they have become fast friends.
Thank you again,

Eve is wonderful and doing well. She is quite affectionate which is
quite a bonus. She and Lizzie are working out their relationship. I
see it progress a little everyday. She is my shadow and quite the
mommy's helper. It's as if she's been with us forever and it's only
been a week.
Lizzie is doing well with Eve's addition. I've continued obedience
training with her. Our instructor understands terriers and helps me to
channel her energy. Lizzie and Eve chase each other in the yard quite
a bit. Lizzie often tries to get a rise out of Eve. Eve takes a bit
and then puts Lizzie in her place. I think that Eve has had a positive
influence on Lizzie. Kindest regards,

Just wanted to let you know how happy we and Nola are. After she
arrived, she scouted the house and yard, and within an hour acted as
if she was raised here, she's full of life, well behaved and enjoys
every minute. She has been introduced to our friends, and loved them
all. She is happy, lively, comfortable, and so much fun.

Cody is doing splendidly... she's growing rapidly, and has adjusted
much more quickly than we anticipated to her new life. Yesterday we
took a long walk in Rock Creek Park, where she met other dogs, babies
in strollers, rollerbladers, and cyclists for the first time: nothing
phased her! She seems to love the house, which
has room to romp, as well as the backyard. We both dote on her and
she's adapted well to the crate, feeding schedule, and your other
extremely helpful puppy pack advice, all of which we follow to the
letter. It's clear her breeding has given her a wonderful disposition,
and we're both very grateful to you. Wishing you
& John and all the pups a happy, healthy new year

Scout is a great dog, and I know that he is the result of your caring
and thoughtful breeding practice. He is so very smart and beautiful,
(sometimes he is just a bit to clever). Thank you again for the
opportunity to own one of your special Airedales!